Oleo has been involved in the testing of full size buffers and hydraulic energy absorbers for over forty years, to ensure the predictable and consistently reliable performance characteristics of hydraulic impact energy dissipation. Oleo has extensive capability to do a wide range of tests on laboratory based rigs as well as using full size rail vehicles fitted with our energy absorbers. These facilities are frequently used for type testing as well as correlation of simulations.
In addition Oleo has endurance rigs to test the longevity of units and sub-systems. An environmental chamber enables testing of buffers at temperatures down to -60 degrees C. Oleo also offer accelerated corrosion testing for buffers which may be exposed to extreme conditions or harsh chemicals.
A full size indoor impact rig called the “Titan Rig” designed and built by Oleo at our factory in Coventry is used to assist in validating the predictions for rail and industrial products. Two 30 tonne vehicles impact at up to 20km/h, both vehicles can be fitted with energy absorbers for a wide variety of testing. Typically impact velocity, impact force and energy absorber displacement are measured and the data is captured using high speed data acquisition equipment.