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Oleo International Launch New High Speed Lift buffers

Oleo International Launch New High Speed Lift buffers

28th October 2013

Larger buffers allow the protection of heavier and faster mcving equipment - the new Oleo HSL telescopic gas hydraulic buffer range is designed specifically for high speed elevator applications typically seen in high rise buildings where speeds over 5m/s are achieved. If approved terminal speed limiting devices are employed by applying the reduced stroke calculation the HSL115 can deal with speeds up to 20m/s.

The HSL Series offers considerably more installation possibilities than conventional single stage buffers due to telescopic technology. This allows for lower compressed unit heights and smaller buffer envelopes at higher elevator speeds. The Oleo principle of designing self contained, maintenance free* buffer units is applied to the HSL series of buffers and offers an easy installation process, this makes Oleo buffers the best solution for the life of the installation.

The HSL series is designed and built according to strict engineering standards and will be developed to achieve universal approval and global certification.
* other than statutory inspections.